Characterizing Context of Attacks:

  • Are attacks isolated events, or do they occur in series?
  • Are the product of provocateurs or a toxic environment?
  • Do they occur on certain topics ?
  • Is toxic behaviour reciprocated ?

In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from load_utils import *

In [2]:
d = load_diffs()
df_events, df_blocked_user_text = load_block_events_and_users()

Q: Is tone reciprocal?

Methodology 1: is the average aggression score of what A says on B's page related to the average score of what B says on A's page?

In [3]:
pairs = d['2015'].query('not own_page and not author_anon and not recipient_anon')\
                     .groupby(['user_text', 'page_title'], as_index = False)['pred_aggression_score']\
                     .agg({'aggresssivness': np.mean, 'count': len})\
                     .query('count > 5')\
                     .assign(key = lambda x: 'From:' + x['user_text'] + ' to:' + x['page_title'],
                                partner_key = lambda x: 'From:' + x['page_title'] + ' to:' + x['user_text']
pairs = pairs.merge(pairs, left_on = 'partner_key', right_on = 'key', how = 'inner' )

In [4]:
sns.jointplot(x = 'aggresssivness_x', y = 'aggresssivness_y', data = pairs)

<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x14b41d860>

In [5]:
t_angry = np.percentile(pairs['aggresssivness_x'], 95)
t_friendly = np.percentile(pairs['aggresssivness_y'], 5)

sns.distplot(pairs.query('aggresssivness_x > %f' % t_angry)['aggresssivness_y'], hist=False, label = 'Angry A->B')
sns.distplot(pairs.query('aggresssivness_x < %f' % t_friendly)['aggresssivness_y'], hist=False, label = 'Friendly A->B')
plt.xlabel('Aggresiveness B->A')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x128bd6390>

Methodology 2: is the aggression score of what A says on B's page related to the score of the next thing B says on A's page?

In [7]:
cols =  ['user_text', 'page_title', 'pred_aggression_score', 'rev_timestamp', 'rev_id']
ab = d['2015'].query('not own_page and not author_anon and not recipient_anon')[cols]
ba = ab.copy().rename(columns = {'user_text': 'page_title', 'page_title': 'user_text'})[cols]

micro_pairs = ab.merge(ba, on = ['user_text', 'page_title'], how = 'inner' )\
                .assign(delta = lambda x: x['rev_timestamp_x'] - x['rev_timestamp_y'])\
                .assign(delta_positive = lambda x: >  pd.Timedelta('0 seconds'),
                        delta_less_30 = lambda x: <  pd.Timedelta('30 days'))\
                .query('delta_positive and delta_less_30')\
                .sort('delta', ascending=False)\
                .groupby('rev_id_x', as_index=False).first()

In [8]:
sns.jointplot(x = 'pred_aggression_score_x', y = 'pred_aggression_score_y', data = micro_pairs)

<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x12b662f98>

In [9]:
t_friendly, t_neutral, t_angry = np.percentile(micro_pairs['pred_aggression_score_x'], (5, 50, 95))

sns.distplot(micro_pairs.query('pred_aggression_score_x > %f' % t_angry)['pred_aggression_score_y'], hist=False, label = 'Angry A->B')
sns.distplot(micro_pairs.query('pred_aggression_score_x < %f' % t_friendly)['pred_aggression_score_y'], hist=False, label = 'Friendly A->B')

plt.xlabel('Aggression B->A')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x12f65fcf8>

Q: Saintliness vs. Provocativeness

In [16]:
out_score = d['2015'].query('not own_page and not author_anon and not recipient_anon')\
                     .groupby(['user_text'], as_index = False)['pred_aggression_score']\
                     .agg({'out_score': np.mean, 'count': len})\
                     .query('count > 5')
in_score = d['2015'].query('not own_page and not author_anon and not recipient_anon')\
                     .groupby(['page_title'], as_index = False)['pred_aggression_score']\
                     .agg({'in_score': np.mean, 'count': len})\
                     .query('count > 5')\
                     .rename(columns = {'page_title':'user_text'})
in_out = out_score.merge(in_score, how = 'inner', on = 'user_text')
in_out['saintliness'] = in_out['out_score'] - in_out['in_score']

In [17]:
sns.jointplot(x = 'in_score', y = 'out_score', data = in_out)

<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x135405160>

In [18]:
sns.distplot(in_out['saintliness'].dropna(), kde =False, norm_hist = True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x137bde6d8>

In [19]:
# Saints

user_text count_x out_score in_score count_y saintliness
4612 Not So Dumb Blond 7.0 -0.551200 0.046581 9.0 -0.597780
2288 GMTEgirl 6.0 -0.479936 0.115900 7.0 -0.595835
6511 Tremonist 22.0 -0.772576 -0.215693 14.0 -0.556884
4991 Pjoef 37.0 -0.777911 -0.221516 21.0 -0.556395
2711 Hmlarson 68.0 -0.490855 -0.006114 19.0 -0.484741

In [20]:
# Saints
in_out.sort_values('saintliness').query('in_score > 0 and out_score < 0' ).head(5)

user_text count_x out_score in_score count_y saintliness
4612 Not So Dumb Blond 7.0 -0.551200 0.046581 9.0 -0.597780
2288 GMTEgirl 6.0 -0.479936 0.115900 7.0 -0.595835
519 Asdiprizio 14.0 -0.289732 0.162422 6.0 -0.452154
3690 Lbhiggin 19.0 -0.270775 0.162247 8.0 -0.433022
4805 Parenchyma18 12.0 -0.265710 0.142385 6.0 -0.408095

In [26]:
#d['2015'].query("user_text == 'Parenchyma18'")

In [22]:
# Saints
in_out.sort_values('saintliness').query('in_score > 0 and out_score < 0' ).head(5)

user_text count_x out_score in_score count_y saintliness
4612 Not So Dumb Blond 7.0 -0.551200 0.046581 9.0 -0.597780
2288 GMTEgirl 6.0 -0.479936 0.115900 7.0 -0.595835
519 Asdiprizio 14.0 -0.289732 0.162422 6.0 -0.452154
3690 Lbhiggin 19.0 -0.270775 0.162247 8.0 -0.433022
4805 Parenchyma18 12.0 -0.265710 0.142385 6.0 -0.408095

In [23]:
# Provocateurs
in_out.sort_values('saintliness', ascending = False).head(5)

user_text count_x out_score in_score count_y saintliness
4225 Missionedit 566.0 0.496392 -0.126938 181.0 0.623330
3559 Koavf 435.0 -0.038425 -0.544188 11.0 0.505764
2996 JackETC 7.0 0.367135 0.010317 8.0 0.356818
3277 Jono52795 10.0 0.001214 -0.344283 6.0 0.345496
1915 Ellasexygandara 8.0 0.144595 -0.199697 7.0 0.344292

In [24]:
# Provocateurs
in_out.sort_values('saintliness', ascending = False).query('out_score > 0 and in_score < 0').head(5)

user_text count_x out_score in_score count_y saintliness
4225 Missionedit 566.0 0.496392 -0.126938 181.0 0.623330
3277 Jono52795 10.0 0.001214 -0.344283 6.0 0.345496
1915 Ellasexygandara 8.0 0.144595 -0.199697 7.0 0.344292
5635 Satya durga reddy 13.0 0.072588 -0.243677 6.0 0.316265
3662 Langcliffe 12.0 0.007866 -0.285251 7.0 0.293116